The Benefits of Clean Air Filters for a Healthy Home

Learn about the benefits of clean air filters for a healthy home. Find out how they improve energy efficiency & reduce health risks.

The Benefits of Clean Air Filters for a Healthy Home

Having a good air filter in your home can provide a range of advantages, from improving air quality to boosting energy efficiency. The filter eliminates contaminants such as dust, pollen, dirt, mold, animal hair, bacteria and more. Over time, germs and dirt will clog the filter. If you change it regularly, you'll keep the air in your home cleaner and reduce the risk of your family having health issues.

Poor air quality can worsen symptoms for people with asthma and respiratory diseases. A quality filtration system produces cleaner air, allowing vulnerable groups to breathe more easily. US Home Filter recommends a minimum MERV 8 rating on your home air filter to control average dust levels. The list of benefits that come with using household air filters can be easily summarized; however, the list contains three very valuable benefits. Combining an energy efficient air conditioning system with high-quality air filters and changing them regularly benefits the environment and your wallet. When you change your air filter regularly, you remove dirt and germs trapped in the air filter and allow the air to be cleaned more thoroughly as it passes through it.

Air purifiers capture a high percentage of allergens and irritants present in the air that pass through the filters. In addition, installing a whole-house ventilation system can help ensure a continuous flow of fresh air throughout the home. Clean air filters not only improve the air quality in your home, they also increase energy efficiency. When your air filters are clean and air passes easily, your unit can better maintain your home's internal temperature. These filters trap contaminants such as dust, pollen and bacteria, and disperse clean air back to the room. Air purifiers suck dust and other air contaminants directly from the air and trap particles in the internal filters inside the device.

An air filtration system for your home ensures that the air in your home is free of viruses, bacteria and other harmful contaminants that can affect your health. If you are highly sensitive to particulates, pollution, contaminants and various allergenic elements, you should consider using a MERV 13 filter, which will remove the finer particles from the air and keep it as clean and fresh as possible. In some cases, air filters can be used in conjunction with air conditioning or heating systems to remove larger particles and allergens from the air. Most household air purifiers contain HEPA filters, designed to capture airborne contaminants to provide clean air.

Sheila Clower
Sheila Clower

Pop culture fanatic. Total food lover. Award-winning bacon practitioner. Hipster-friendly music aficionado. Avid analyst.

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